We’ve been around long enough to see the pendulum of opportunity swing from tenants to landlords and from buyers to sellers, and back again, more than once.
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We’ve been around long enough to see the pendulum of opportunity swing from tenants to landlords and from buyers to sellers, and back again, more than once.
It’s always a good idea to take a quick look over your shoulder before you change lanes, even if there’s no danger in your side view mirror.
The past two years have been quite the challenge. The rebirth of high inflation and the resulting rise in interest rates imposed to stop it put the broomstick in the economic spokes back in the middle of 2022.
In the run-up to the election we made note of the slow pace of decision-making in the commercial real estate universe.
Wow. We are relieved to have the election behind us, and whether or not you are happy with the result, we’re guessing you are, too.